PhotoBlog Template Changes
I've been working on updating the supplied
Snapshot template from
Blogger and have nearly completed my mission. At this point I've replaced the provided header graphic with a new one of my own. For those who might not recognize it, the LCD at the lower left from the D100 as is the image of the controls on the left side of the camera body at the right of the title bar. The center image of the tiger was taken at the
Detroit Zoo and the large image to the right is the
Pere Marquette 1225's drivers and rods. My plan has been to model the entire blog from the cool gray provided in the template and the Blogger Blue. I'm not fond of the Blogger Orange for more than a trace element here or there, so the large quantities in the sidebar have been removed. The pink used for links in the template and header was nice, but not me, so out those went. These little touches aren't much but it has made this PhotoBlog my own and help bring the focus of this blog back to the photos.
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