Wednesday, February 11, 2009

12 of 12 for February 2009 Tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is February 12th, time for another "12 of 12." I was thrilled at the number of new people who participated last month and loved checking out their days (and was quite jealous of those with nice weather and scenery). Here are some of the folks I follow (mostly on Twitter, and most are Geocachers) who submitted "12 of 12"s last month:
One of the more challenging aspects for me has been to pick a theme each month. Last month I wimped out and did the "Normal Monday" theme -- everything taken with the 50mm f/1.8 lens, and everything had to be a normal activity (though not necessarily normal for either a Monday or daily). I'm not sure what tomorrow's theme will be, but as long as I can participate it should be fun.


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