Monday, February 14, 2011

They're Just Different

Film and digital images just look a little different. There are a number of factors that make these two different, but in general I prefer digital. The image at the left was shot on the Mamiya RZ67 Pro II with Kodak Portra 160NC, scanned on the Epson V500. BNSF 4379 at Fostoria DepotCSX 5105 in Cold FostoriaThe image at the right was captured on the Nikon D700. Both have had some tweaks done but were taken more than an hour apart from about the same location. While the one on the left is a better capture and I made it a little warmer, I prefer the quality of the one on the right (click through for the higher resolution versions). Much of it is subjective and does change based on the look I want, but I general prefer digital all around. So far I've not featured a film image for my Wordless Wednesday as I just don't like them as much. Yet I'm really enjoying shooting on film again. What are your preferences in the film versus digital debate?



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