Saturday, May 07, 2005

More Butterflies

Spotlight Flutterby
Spotlight Flutterby
This one just landed in a beam of sunlight. It was beautiful, but alas, someone else attempted to get a shot with their point-and-shoot camera and frightened it away.

Just Another Flutterby
Just Another Flutterby
This is about the only other shot I got in the butterfly house with the people swarming through upsetting the poor little creatures.

Tiger Faces

Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose
Drie loves this shot for the simple fact that our cats do the same thing quite often.

Nap Time
Nap Time
Drie loves the sleeping tiger. If we're not careful she might climb in and take a nap with the tiger.

A Prairie Dog Murder Mystery Part 1

I shot these photos today and they just seemed to flow together into an interesting murder mystery story. The silly little fell'rs just seemed to like playing dead all the time. So here's my really silly photo western murder mystery for six prairie dogs and a couple of children. (If you don't like this you can always pray for a revival of the moose and squirrel.)


Ben: "What was that? Was that a gunshot I heard?"


Ben: "By golly I think there's trouble. I'd best be check'n it out."


Ben: "By george! Somedoggy shot George! George! Can you hear me?"
George: "Bennn...."
Ben: "No George! I best be finding the sheriff."


Ben: "Hey Sheriff! Sheriff! Somedoggy shot George!"
Sheriff: "Now why would anyone want to shoot George, Ben?
Ben: "I don't know Sheriff, but he's just over there a spell and the only thing he said before he died was 'Bennn....'"
Sheriff: "OK Ben. I'll ask around."
Bang! Bang!


Sheriff: "Gunshots! Ben, you'd best stay in the office till I get back."
Ben: "You be careful Sheriff."


Sheriff: "I beg your pardon folks, but have you seen or heard anything recently?"
Female Child: "Well maybe Mr. Prairie Sheriff. There were some pops just a few minutes ago over that way."
Sheriff: "Much obliged miss. You two be careful now -- we have a killer on the loose."
Female Child: "Oh no Sheriff! Whatever shall we do?"
Sheriff: "Just keep low miss. I'll have the killer in a jiffy."


Sheriff: [Muttering to himself] "Darned Zoo regulations prohibiting animal from carrying gun. I ain't going out there without something. I'm just have to make some of these here sharp, pointy sticks."


Sheriff: "No! Not Tommy and his girl Tracey! Why! Who! What!"


Stanley: "Gosh darn it. The Sheriff's gonna be sniffing around these parts now. I gotta lay low."


Announcer Dog: "Will the Sheriff figure out who the killer is before he can kill again or is Stanley going to ride off into the sunset? Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion!"
Sheriff: "I beg your pardon Mr. Announcer, but I don't think we're done here yet."
Announcer Dog: "Sorry Sheriff. It's budget cuts after all."
Sheriff: "Dang nabbit!"

Momma & Daughter

Drie, Sam (a friend of ours from out-of-town), and I hit the Detroit Zoo again today. Of course the first stop was to see the baby Polar Bear (Talini) and her mother (Barley).

Momma & Daughter
Momma & Daughter

A Bucket of Fun
A Bucket of Fun

Like a Puppy with a Big Stick
Like a Puppy with a Big Stick

Kicking Back with Mom
Kicking Back with Mom

Loving Family
Loving Family

Don't Forget to Dry Off
"Don't Forget to Dry Off"

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Polar Bear Baby

Drie and I stopped by the Detroit Zoo Sunday morning to see the Polar Bear Baby.

I Love My Mommy
I Love My Mommy

Looking for a Toy
Looking for a Toy

I'm a Puppy
I'm a Puppy

Rub My Tummy
Rub My Tummy

I Love Sticks
I Love Sticks

Mom! I Fell Over
Mom! I Fell Over

Don't Bite the Leg That Feeds You
Don't Bite the Leg That Feeds You


Do We Gotta Go Ma?
Do We Gotta Go Ma?