Big Mac at Night
Big Mac at Night
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Drie and I stopped by the state park to grab some photos of the Big Mac at Sunset. This was a long, but still camera automatic, shot. The longer bulb images at 60 and 75 seconds would have been better, but alas there was a boat with a string of lights that painted across the image.
Big Mac at Night
With the 18mm lens this was the scene just after sunset.
Morning at the Mackinaw City Docks
Morning at the Mackinaw City Docks
I snuck out this morning just before the rain began. The old state docks area was being used for a Corvette show, but people were only just starting to arrive. I beat a hasty retreat as the first drops of rain fell.
Desmond Landing 360°
Desmond Landing 360°
This was a series of first attempts to do 360° panoramas using the Nikon D2x and PhotoShop CS2's Photomerge. I'm fairly pleased with the results given that I was simply using my normal tripod.
Rail Trail
Rail Trail
We were waling along the Clinton River Trail through Rochester when we spotted this railroad spike in the ballast. Sort-of an appropriate memorial to the Michigan Airline Railroad.
Wild Butterfly
Wild Butterfly
It's not often that wild butterflies allow me to get close enough to snap a photo this clear. This one however was all to happpy to pose for a few minutes along the Clinton River Trail in Rochester, Michigan.
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A Yellow Jacket and His Shadow
A Yellow Jacket and His Shadow
I happened to catch this yellow jacket while shooting interesting details at the Corunna Historical Village. I was shooting the door knob on this home when the yellow jacket crawled out from behind. I'm just glad I didn't try to grab the knob.
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Froggy in the Duckweed
This is the first post from my new Nikon D2x. I'm still getting used to the camera (particularly the lower CCD sensitivity and the low latency issues), but as I do I'm sure I'll be posting more images here.
Froggy in the Duckweed
There's a pond at the Detroit Zoo on the north edge of the park, between the Butterfly House and the Otters. I don't think its been stocked, but there are a number of frogs that call it home.