Pere Marquette 1225 Passes the Michigan Bean Company
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I went out shooting the Pere Marquette 1225 on the North Pole Express runs yesterday morning. Though we had the snow I so badly wanted, the sun didn't make its appearance till late in the afternoon. This is the scene I've wanted, but I'm still looking for that bright blue sky.
Bucking Fur!
Bucking Fur!
Drie always refers to a statement that her and some friends at college used when its really cold -- "Bucking Fur!" She and I went for a walk through "Holland Ponds" in Shelby Township on Thanksgiving Day, and goodness was it cold!
Talini's Birthday Celebration
The Detroit Zoo's baby Polar Bear -- Talini -- celebrated her first birthday on Saturday, November 19, 2005. We stopped by the Zoo to see what was happening.
Drie Shooting the Tigers
Drie Shooting the Tigers
My girlfriend Drie has been working on becoming a better photographer. She get my hand-me-down/secondary hardare making it easy for my to teach her how to use them and to take better photos. Here's Drie as shoots her favorite animals (the tiger) at the Detroit Zoo with her favorite lens in my collection (the 80-400 VR).
Cats from 2001
I'm going through the archives dropping in the tags and found these photos from a session with the cats at my old apartment, with the old camera, with younger cats.