Ice Coat

Ice Coat While out Geocaching with our friends TeamLegend4 we happened across a small river of sparkling water and ice coating the branches of the limbs that had fallen in. We spend several minutes shooting, but without a tripod I wasn't going to get the shots I really wanted. Why didn't I bring the tripod? Oh yeah -- I would have had to carry it for more than 2 miles out and back along with the camera, bag, and up and down the nearly 100ft elevation changes. Not a huge deal if I hadn't been out of shape from the winter.
Knot That Interesting

Knot That Interesting
With tonight being the start of Spring, we can look forward to the longer days and warmer temps. Here's to the nice weather and the recoloring of the landscape.
Ice & Water

Ice & Water While out Geocaching with our friends TeamLegend4 we happened across a small rive of sparkling water and ice coating the branches of the limbs that had fallen in. We spend several minutes shooting, but without a tripod I wasn't going to get the shots I really wanted. Why didn't I bring the tripod? Oh yeah -- I would have had to carry it for more than 2 miles out and back along with the camera, bag, and up and down the nearly 100ft elevation changes. Not a huge deal if I hadn't been out of shape from the winter.