My Weekend Morning Latté
My Weekend Morning Latté
I've been making and shooting a bunch of drinks for other people lately, but haven't shown you my drink of choice. I usually prefer a nice latté with a half- to single-shot of amaretto or almond flavor syrup. More than that it gets too sweet for me.
Actually, all the drinks you've seen here have been consumed locally (either Drie or myself drink them) except for the esspresso shot which was a grind setting test. I've been having fun shooting these quick set-ups in available light though and hope to do some more. I need to start spending a little more time on it though as these shots are getting a little stale. The one thing I don't want to do is spend more than 15 minutes planning or composing -- this is an exercise in rapid set-up and shooting and helps keep my tools from getting too dull.